Design And Beautification


The Design and Beautification Committee meets at 4pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month in the Visitor Center!


To join, just fill out the form linked below


What is Design and Beautification?

The Design Committee encourages physical improvements in the commercial district, educates property and business owners about proper preservation methods and plans for future growth downtown

Design and Beautification’s goals include improving the quality of life in downtown and to help make Spruce Pine more appealing to residents, visitors, and potential businesses.

Design and Beautification Projects

Design projects range from downtown beautification, facade grants, to art installations, new sidewalks, and our award-winning wayfinding signage. One project in the works is the refurbishment of our historic footbridge.

We Need Your Help

In addition to major collaborative projects like art installations and sidewalks, volunteers on the Design committee get out and get their hands dirty in a variety of ways. Folks on this committee and other volunteer helpers build beds and plant flowers, clear bush and plant trees, paint old walls and railings, create pocket parks in unused places are always looking to spruce up and bring a little more beauty in our downtown.

If you enjoy this kind of work or know of a group looking for a service project, look no further! We welcome help with our projects and would love to hear your ideas!