Promotions and Events


The Promotions and Events Committee meets at 4pm on the 4th Thursday of every month in the Visitor Center!


To join, just fill out the form linked below


What is Promotions and Events?

The job of the promotion committee is to promote downtown as the center of commerce, culture, and community life for residents and visitors alike.

Our promotions committee works hard to develop and produce events that draw crowds to our commercial center, as well as to spread awareness about what is going on in town to the community and beyond.

PR Projects

Promotions and Events Committee is constantly working on making Downtown Spruce Pine the center of the community and a hub of economic activity, while also creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics.

Currently, the Promotions and Events Committee is working on many projects such as a Downtown Art and History Walking Tour, Downtown Spruce Pine town map, SPMS Volunteer Expo, Scarecrow Contest and Small Business Saturday.

We Need Your Help

Promotion and Events Committee volunteers help plan events such as our annual blacksmith festival, Fire on the Mountain, Summer Movies in the Park, Small Business Saturday, and much more!

Volunteers also work on maintaining a social media presence, making announcements and sharing photos of the downtown area. The Spruce Pine Main Street Newsletter which is sent out monthly is also done by volunteers in the Promotion Committee.

If you enjoy this kind of work or know of a group looking for a service project, look no further! We welcome help with our projects and would love to hear your ideas!